Building react app with Remix js

This article will discuss about the Remix framework. We will look at its highs and lows. Finally, we will create a react app using remix js.
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Building react app with the remix js - remix framework

React is the most widespread javascript library at that time. Its popularity has many reasons like, React components, routing, etc. React frameworks are one of the main reasons to boost its favor. Every framework has its own specialty. Due to its popularity, there's a react framework being introduced every other day. Here Remix or remix js comes out.

Initially, the Remix framework was not famous. But with time, it shall be a favored framework. It provides equal performance as the next js. In most cases, Remix beats it. However, like other frameworks, it has its own advantages and disadvantages.

This article will discuss some cool stuff about the Remix framework. We will take a look at its highs and lows. Finally, we will create a react app using Remix. So, let's get started.


This tutorial needs a few requirements:

  • Familiar with react js.
  • Node.js in your device.
  • Basic knowledge of npm.

What is Remix?

It is a full-stack web framework that builds fast static and dynamic content-based applications. Its powerful system enables you to create a modern application easily. Usually, Remix supports server-side rendering (SSR). With minimum javascript, data is served to the client from the server makes it much faster.

Pros of Remix

  • It loads minimum javascript to the web browser.
  • It parallel loads data and sends a completed HTML page. This allows for faster page loads and reduces the server's workload.
  • In the Remix, errors are limited to the component. At the time of the error, it doesn't break the entire page.

Cons of Remix

  • As it is not widespread like Next.js. That's why it has a small community. It is problematic to find a solution to any problem.
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Creating a  Remix app

It is time to create a Remix application. Follow the steps to construct this application.

  1. Initializing app installation

    First, we need to initialize our app installation. This will start an installation wizard in your terminal. This wizard helps you in creating your application. Here is the command 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

    npx create-remix@latest
  2. Enter name

    It is time to enter the name of our application. Remix allows you to choose the path of your application. You can specify the path of your app. In the path, the last word is considered as the app name i.e ./remix-app. Here remix-app is the name of the app.
    remix, remix js, enter name in remix terminal, codearmor
    Enter your remix application name.
  3. Select app type

    Select what type of app you want to create. Either you can go with a "basic app" or a "production-ready" app. In a basic remix app, you get a complete react app. But in a production-ready app, you will get a pre-defined stack. In this tutorial, we gonna choose Just the basics

    select app type, remix, remix js, remix framework, codearmor
  4. Where do you want to deploy your app?

    Now, you will be asked where you want to deploy your app. You can see the deployment options in the image. Select the most appropriate option. In my case, I going to select Netlify.

    select deployment server, remix, remix js, remix framework, codearmor, armorcode
  5. Select Typescript or JavaScript

    Now, you have to choose a language for your project. In my app, I prefer to choose Javascript.

  6. install dependencies

    Now, Remix wizard asked to use npm install. Type y to install required dependencies. It takes some time to install dependencies. That's it!

    You can check the final result in the image.👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

    remix app installation guide, remix js, remix, remix framework, codearmor
    All steps of installing the remix app
  7. Running Remix App

    It's time to test our application. Go to the app and run the given command into the terminal.

    npm run dev

That's it!

After running the app, go to the url http://localhost:3000 to view your application.

Edit ./app/routes/index.jsx file to observe changes in the browser.


No doubt! Remix is a good framework. It makes web applications fast and simple. But the Remix community is small, so it's tough to get support for solving the problems that come with building your application. At this time, it is not popular. But with a large community base, it will become a good option.

Do you use the Remix framework?

You can use this in your projects. I prefer to use Next.js instead of remix js. Next.js has a large community base and many resources. At this time, Next.js is a good option. Its upcoming features like the Turbopack will turn the market.

That's it for the day! If you like our tutorial, share it with your friends. And leave your valuable feedback in the comment section.

Happy Coding!

About the Author

Code Armor makes Full Stack Development easy. We provide code projects with live examples and source code. We help you to increase your coding skills and problem-solving skills. We provide you with code projects in technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaS…

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