Online HTML Encoder Decoder (100% Free)

An Online HTML Encoder Decoder that helps you to encode and decode HTML content. 1 click copy and clear button. Multiple formats of encoding decoding.
Online HTML Encoder Decoder, html encoder, html decoder, html encoder javascript, codearmor

Online HTML Encoder Decoder

A tool that helps you to encode and decode HTML content. This tool can encode special characters and other special symbols in the content so they can be safely displayed in the web browser. Apart from HTML content, you can also encode javascript, CSS, and any type of text content.

How does this HTML Encoder / Decoder tool work?

This tool works by converting HTML content into different formats. Either it can encode any type of content or decode the special symbols and characters of the content. This tool performs two types of encoding/decoding:-

  1. HTML Encoding / Decoding
  2. Regx Encoding / Decoding

HTML Encoding

In this type of encoding, this tool encodes HTML entities like <, >, &, etc. Apart from the symbols, everything remains the same. These encoded symbols can not easily be read by the user. But they work correctly in the web browser.

Regx Encoding

This tool uses regular expressions to perform this type of encoding/decoding. Regx encoding works exactly as HTML but uses a different code format to encode/decode the content. It also works nicely on web browsers.

Encoding content

When you encode HTML content, this tool converts special characters and other symbols into HTML entities. HTML entities are the code that represents special characters like &,>, and,<, etc. For example, the HTML entity for the and symbol is &amp;. By encoding these special symbols, the HTML Encoder/Decoder tool ensures they will be safely displayed on the web browser without issues.

Decoding content

On decoding HTML content, this tool converts HTML entities into their original special symbols and characters. It shows you the original text and formatting without the HTML code. It is helpful when you work on HTML content, as it can be challenging to understand the meaning of content with the encoded code.

How to encode/decode content?

This tool is easy to use. It takes only two or three steps to use this tool. The instructions are as follows:-

  1. Paste code: Write or paste the code you want to encode/decode.
  2. Select Encoding: Now, select any type of encoding. You can choose anyone from HTML encoding and regex encoding.
  3. Click the button to Encode or Decode: Click the button to encode or decode the content.
  4. Copy code: Now, you can copy the output and use it.


  • Multiple formats of encoding.
  • 1 click copy button.
  • 1 click the clear text button.
  • 100% client side.
  • Free to use.

Benefits of using an HTML Encode/Decoder tool

  1. Ensure safe display: Encoding special characters ensures that they will be safely displayed on a web browser.
  2. Easily edit HTML content: By decoding, content makes it easier to edit and understand the meaning of the content.
  3. Save time: Using this tool, you can save a lot of time as you no longer need to manually encode or decode the content.
  4. Improve accuracy: You can improve your accuracy as it ensures that special characters are encoded and decoded correctly.


An online HTML Encoder/Decoder tool is helpful for anyone who works with HTML and any other type of content. It can help you encode special symbols and characters, so they can be displayed safely on the web browser. This tool can also decode HTML content. So, you can smoothly understand the original content. This tool can save a lot of time and improve accuracy.

How do I encode HTML?

Add code into the text box. Select the encoding type and press the "Encode" button. After generating the result, you can copy the encoded code with one click.

How to decode HTML content?

You can write or paste code in the text box to decode HTML content. Select the decoding type and click the "Decode" button. You can get decoded output in a few milliseconds.

What is HTML encoding translation?

HTML encoding means converting special symbols and characters of HTML entities into a standard form. This encoding ensures that the code will be displayed securely o the web browser

be What is HTML encoding used for?

HTML encoding helps you to display HTML as text on the web browser. So that browser recognizes it as text, not as HTML code.

About the Author

Code Armor makes Full Stack Development easy. We provide code projects with live examples and source code. We help you to increase your coding skills and problem-solving skills. We provide you with code projects in technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaS…

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